Tag Archives: Opinion

Analysis. Venezuelan defence minister says protests constitute ‘coup’

The Venezuelan defence minister has described anti-government protests which erupted after the disputed election result was announced as "a coup". People took to the streets across cities and towns in Venezuela on Monday in protest after the government-dominated electoral authority had declared President Nicolás Maduro the winner of the election. Two leading NGOs in Venezuela have said that there have been several deaths and dozens of people injured. As people gathered for fresh protest rallies, Gen Vladimir Padrino read out a statement saying that President Nicolás Maduro had the "absolute loyalty and unconditional support" of the armed forces, which would "defeat the coup".

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Analysis. Is US support for Israel wavering?

In the days following October 7, when Hamas fighters stormed into Israel to murder, mutilate and take hostage hundreds of Israelis of all ages, US President Joe Biden was quick to express his outrage, calling the Hamas attack “sheer evil.” He flew to Israel and pledged his support for it to act in self-defense, saying that if the US had been the victim of such an atrocity, its response would be “swift, decisive and overwhelming.” The US “has Israel’s back,” he declared.

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Pourquoi les putschistes du Niger expulsent les militaires français mais pas les troupes américaines qui combattent les djihadistes?

Moins de cinq mois après la destitution du président nigérien Mohamed Bazoum lors d'un coup d'État, la France, ancienne puissance coloniale, a retiré ce vendredi, ses dernières troupes qu'elle avait déployées dans cet État d'Afrique de l'Ouest pour combattre les militants islamistes qui menacent la stabilité de la région.

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