Les élections présidentielles en Algérie et en Tunisie ont le même objectif : conforter le statu quo autoritaire et le même climat répressif des opposants.
Read More | Lire La SuiteLa guerre à Gaza et le vote des Américains, un casse-tête pour Kamala Harris.. Vidéo
En marge de la convention démocrate à Chicago, des milliers d’Américains ont manifesté pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu à Gaza. Entre le vote juif d’une part, le vote arabe et musulman de l’autre, la guerre à Gaza constitue un jeu d’équilibriste électoral pour la candidate démocrate, Kamala Harris.
Read More | Lire La SuiteAnalysis. Venezuelan defence minister says protests constitute ‘coup’
The Venezuelan defence minister has described anti-government protests which erupted after the disputed election result was announced as "a coup". People took to the streets across cities and towns in Venezuela on Monday in protest after the government-dominated electoral authority had declared President Nicolás Maduro the winner of the election. Two leading NGOs in Venezuela have said that there have been several deaths and dozens of people injured. As people gathered for fresh protest rallies, Gen Vladimir Padrino read out a statement saying that President Nicolás Maduro had the "absolute loyalty and unconditional support" of the armed forces, which would "defeat the coup".
Read More | Lire La SuiteÉtats-Unis. Dans un discours de “défi”, marqué par des “trébuchements”, Biden maintient sa candidature.. Vidéo
Lors d’une conférence de presse cruciale donnée à la fin du sommet de l’Otan, le président américain a défendu jeudi le bilan de son gouvernement, sans toutefois parvenir à éviter de nouvelles gaffes. Sa candidature à un second mandat reste précaire, note la presse.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUK general election 2024: Exit poll points to Labour victory
An exit poll carried out by polling company Ipsos, and paid for by the BBC, ITV and Sky says Starmer’s Labour Party will win the general election with 410 seats. The final outcome of the election should be clear by early on Friday.
Read More | Lire La SuiteElections. France’s Muslims fear for their futures as Le Pen’s far right party surges
Tensions are rising in France, home to one of Europe’s largest Muslim minorities, ahead of the snap election run-off.
Read More | Lire La SuiteAnalysis. Behind the ‘Zuma tsunami’ in South Africa
Elected, accused of corruption - fired, accused of rape - acquitted, elected president, accused of corruption again - denied again, ousted, imprisoned for contempt of court - freed, barred from becoming an MP.
Read More | Lire La SuiteDébats. Les législatives anticipées en Espagne pourrait voir l’arrivée de l’extrême droite au pouvoir
Les électrices et les électeurs espagnols sont appelés aux urnes dimanche pour des élections législatives anticipées. Ce scrutin pourrait marquer un tournant en ramenant l'extrême droite au pouvoir à Madrid pour la première fois depuis la mort du dictateur Franco il y a près d'un demi-siècle.
Read More | Lire La SuiteDebate. Spain’s snap election revives issue of national unity
Under the heat of the Barcelona sun, a pro-independence party, Together for Catalonia, is holding a campaign event ahead of Sunday's general election in Spain.
Read More | Lire La SuiteAnalysis. Turkish election victory for Erdogan leaves nation divided.. Video
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won re-election, according to the country’s Supreme Election Council and unofficial data from the state-run Anadolu Agency, in a tense run-off after he failed to secure more than 50 percent of votes required for an outright victory in the first round on May 14.
Read More | Lire La Suite