Tag Archives: Relations

Le président Xi Jinping en Arabie saoudite pour sceller un rapprochement sino-arabe

Le président chinois Xi Jinping est arrivé mercredi à Riyad pour une visite de trois jours pendant lesquels il doit enchaîner des rencontres avec les dirigeants du Golfe. L'énergie devrait dominer les discussions entre l'Arabie saoudite, plus grande exportatrice mondiale de pétrole brut, et la Chine, plus grande importatrice d'or noir.

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Algeria partly blames Israel in decision to cut ties with Morocco

Algeria's announcement this week that it was severing its diplomatic ties with Morocco came as no surprise — Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune had issued a statement Aug. 18 saying relations with Morocco were being reviewed. Still, the depth of accusations Algeria leveled against Israel Aug. 24 did surprise Jerusalem. For the moment, the Israeli government has issued no comment, preferring to keep a low profile.

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