Tag Archives: World

View on urban insecurity: build a feminist city

The way our cities and towns look and work reflects political priorities. In mid-19th century Paris, when Baron Haussmann was seeking public money for building his boulevards, he told the government that wide, open avenues would make it harder to riot and build barricades. In an age of urban insurrections at the heart of the French capital, that quickly opened up the public purse.

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Ligue des champions: Chelsea valide son ticket pour les quarts et le Bayern se qualifie sans trembler

La Premier League comptera trois représentants en quarts de finale de la Ligue des champions. Après Liverpool et Manchester City, c'est Chelsea qui a validé son ticket. Les Blues, qui avaient déjà enlevé le premier acte 1-0 à Madrid, ont battu l'Atlético 2-0 à Stamford Bridge lors du second.

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