À la veille d'une tournée en Afrique centrale, le Président Emmanuel Macron s’est exprimé dans un discours tenu lundi depuis le palais de l’Élysée sur la nouvelle politique avec l’Afrique qui se veut plus inclusive. Mais que retenir du discours et des réactions qu’il a suscitées ?
Read More | Lire La SuiteDébats. Dernière ligne droite en France pour la réforme des retraites à l’Assemblée nationale.. Vidéo
L'ambiance est à couteaux tirés vendredi à l'Assemblée nationale française pour l'ultime journée d'examen sur la réforme des retraites: les chances d'aborder la mesure clé sur le report de l'âge restaient très maigres.
Read More | Lire La SuiteAnalysis. What did Nicola Sturgeon change in Scotland for women in politics? Everything
Her record wasn’t perfect, but she transformed the landscape. Her exit speech made me rueful for what might have been
Read More | Lire La SuiteDébats. Au Maroc, le long chemin vers la reconnaissance de l’identité amazighe
La loi d’officialisation de la langue, constitutionnelle depuis 2011, n’a été adoptée qu’en 2019. Mais le budget 2023 consacre 300 millions de dirhams pour la rendre visible dans l’espace public du royaume chérifien.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS foreign policy reduced to an afterthought
US President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night was quite upbeat. It was long on domestic affairs and short on foreign policy. It skimmed through the challenges posed by Russia and China and skipped the rest of the world altogether.
Read More | Lire La SuiteAnalysis. Zelenskyy lobbies EU leaders as battles rage
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on a tour of European capitals, tells leaders at a summit in Brussels that Europe’s freedom depends on Ukraine’s.
Read More | Lire La SuiteDebate. Netanyahu is an existential threat to Israel. He can be resisted – but only with Palestinian support
He’s not a usual suspect. He’s known for having won a Nobel prize for economics, and for writing the international bestseller Thinking, Fast and Slow, rather than for manning the barricades or wielding a placard. But this week, I spoke to Daniel Kahneman, who soon turns 89, and was shocked to hear the despair in his voice.
Read More | Lire La SuiteDebate. Sudan should not settle for anything other than true democracy
The deal is aimed at ending a standoff between the two sides triggered by a coup in October 2021. A product of international mediation led by the US, the framework agreement supposedly provides for a two-year, “civilian-led” transition towards elections.
Read More | Lire La SuiteDébats. Quelle est l’importance du « speaker » sur lequel les républicains américains se déchirent?
Les élus de la Chambre américaine des représentants tentent vendredi d'élire leur "speaker", après trois jours de débats infructueux. Majoritaires, les républicains n'arrivent pas à se mettre d'accord sur ce poste, qui est l'un des plus importants à Washington.
Read More | Lire La SuiteGermany: Integration debate following New Year’s violence
After the New Year's Eve attacks on police and rescue workers in several German cities, the political debate about the causes of the violence and Germany's integration policy continues to gain momentum. In Berlin, 145 people, most of whom were under the age of 25, were arrested by police in connection with the riots.
Read More | Lire La Suite