A quelques jours du vote, plus que jamais, tout est question de grilles de lecture et de sources d'information aux Etats-Unis. C'est ainsi que le retour de la croissance au 3e trimestre annoncé jeudi, après le plongeon économique du printemps, a donné lieu à des interprétations très différentes selon les candidats.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS. Biden Georgia bound, Trump targets Midwest
In Georgia, opinion polls show the race to be tight, and a win by Biden there would likely be a severe blow to Trump’s chances. Biden told reporters on Monday he believes he has a “fighting chance” to take Georgia.
Read More | Lire La SuiteFact-check sur le dernier débat présidentiel américain
Le président Donald Trump et son rival Joe Biden se sont opposés à propos de la pandémie de Covid-19, la guerre commerciale avec la Chine ou encore la question raciale aux États-Unis, lors de leur dernier débat avant les élections du 3 novembre. Le point sur la véracité des propos des deux candidats.
Read More | Lire La SuiteTrump-Biden differences laid bare in final US presidential debate
From the moment the two septuagenarian leading men stepped onto the stage, the contrast between them leaped off the screen: US President Donald Trump in his trademark red tie, his Democratic challenger Biden in electric blue. Trump maskless, Biden removing a black mask from his face as he strode towards his lectern.
Read More | Lire La SuiteAnalysis: 2020 is not 2016, but don’t count Trump out yet
Three weeks from election day, Donald Trump is trailing in the polls and some Democrats are plotting for the next four years under a Democratic president. That was the scene in 2016 and it’s shaping up to be the same in 2020, as Joe Biden’s solid, sustained lead in United States polls has increased in the last week.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS election 2020: The people who almost always predict the president
Residents of Vigo County in Indiana have something of a gift. Except for two notable exceptions in 1908 and 1952, every candidate they have voted for since 1888 has gone on to win the presidency.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS. The VP debate solidifies Biden-Harris lead in the homestretch
The US vice-presidential debate was a welcome departure from the chaos that marked the presidential debate last week.
Read More | Lire La SuiteDonald Trump annonce son prochain départ de l’hôpital
Le président des Etats-Unis, impatient de donner l'image d'un candidat mobilisé par sa campagne à 29 jours du scrutin le voyant briguer un second mandat, aura donc été hospitalisé pendant trois jours. Il a été admis vendredi soir, moins de 24 heures après avoir été testé positif au Covid-19.
Read More | Lire La SuiteThe Trump-Biden debate revealed the dangers of Britain’s ‘special relationship’
ver since the pioneering Kennedy-Nixon encounter in 1960, the questions that political journalists pose after US presidential debates have been the same. Who performed best?
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS election 2020: What time is the Trump v Biden presidential debate?
We've had months of set-piece events, tightly controlled by a team of campaign staff. Well, that's about to end.
Read More | Lire La Suite