Joe Biden has won the race to become the next US president, defeating Donald Trump following a cliff-hanger vote count after Tuesday's election.
Read More | Lire La SuiteJoe Biden est élu président des Etats-Unis, annoncent les médias américains
Joe Biden a remporté la course à la Maison Blanche face à Donald Trump, ont annoncé samedi les médias américains. Cette victoire marque un tournant historique pour les Etats-Unis et le monde, après quatre années de rupture sous le président républicain.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS Election 2020: Biden’s lead increasing in Georgia
It's looking increasingly good for Joe Biden in the battleground state of Georgia. He continues to lead the vote count - and his lead is increasing.
Read More | Lire La SuiteDonald Trump a plus gouverné avec Twitter et Facebook qu’avec l’élite administrative du pays
Les réseaux sociaux ont été des relais complaisants du président américain, diffusant de façon virale ses « fausses nouvelles ». Ils ont fragilisé la démocratie et portent une responsabilité dans la polarisation de la vie politique.
Read More | Lire La SuiteTrump has not been repudiated – a Biden presidency would face obstruction at every level
Whatever else emerges from the US’s 2020 election, one thing is clear: it has not delivered a comprehensive repudiation of Donald Trump. The shock of 2016 has not been undone. There is nothing in the result to expiate the humiliation of the last four years, the disgraceful vulgarity and illegality.
Read More | Lire La SuiteTrump and Biden predict win but election goes to wire
Election Day in American has drawn to an unsatisfactory close. The results so far have offered few surprises and indicated little change in the political balance of power from coast to coast.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS Election 2020: Americans choose between Trump and Biden
Americans are voting in one of the most divisive presidential polls in decades, pitting incumbent Republican Donald Trump against Democrat Joe Biden.
Read More | Lire La SuiteBiden speaks in Cleveland: ‘We’re going to fire Trump’
Appearing at his first campaign event of the day before later going to Pennsylvania, Biden has just spoken to a socially distanced rally at an airport hangar in Cleveland, Ohio.
Read More | Lire La SuiteFin de campagne à un rythme effréné pour Donald Trump
Cinq meetings, dans autant d'Etats décisifs. A deux jours de l'élection présidentielle américaine, Donald Trump a encore emballé le rythme effréné de sa campagne pour rattraper Joe Biden, concentré lui dimanche sur un seul Etat, la Pennsylvanie.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS election roundup: Trump and Biden swing through battleground states
The two US presidential candidates swung through northern battleground states on Friday amid signs that the coronavirus pandemic was once more threatening to overcome hospital capacity in several US regions.
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