Russia attacks Ukraine: Russian forces close on Kyiv

Reports of armoured columns heading for Kyiv as Russia’s invasion continues.

« At today’s meeting, the Uefa Executive Committee also decided that Russian and Ukrainian clubs and national teams competing in Uefa competitions will be required to play their home matches at neutral venues until further notice. »

Russia’s defence ministry has just issued a statement maintaining that its troops are holding the Chernobyl nuclear plant in order to « protect it ».

It says it is doing so to ensure that « nationalistic groups and other terrorist organisations cannot use the situation in the country in order to stage a nuclear provocation ».

Russia also said that the levels of radiation in the plant’s surrounding area were normal and that staff were continuing to monitor levels of radioactivity.

Russian troops seized the notorious nuclear plant on Thursday – you can read more about its significance here.

Elsewhere in the statement, Russia made various claims about its gains in the war, saying troops had advanced in Donetsk and Luhansk. It also said more than 150 Ukrainian troops had surrendered and that dozens of Ukrainian military infrastructure sites, weapons and vehicles had been destroyed.

Ukraine’s armed forces, meanwhile, made their own competing claims in a Facebook post earlier, saying that they were holding the line in Donetsk and Luhansk where Russian troops had had « no success » and had also pushed back Russian troops in other areas.

It is important to note that neither side’s claims can currently be verified.

« There are no age restrictions. »It tells people if they face problems signing up, they just need to refer to this official tweet.

World Opinions – Agencies

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