Biden speaks in Cleveland: ‘We’re going to fire Trump’

Appearing at his first campaign event of the day before later going to Pennsylvania, Biden has just spoken to a socially distanced rally at an airport hangar in Cleveland, Ohio.

“The first step to beating the virus is beating Donald Trump,” he said to gatherers, many of whom sat inside their cars for his speech in order to adhere to virus-mitigation efforts.

Trump, meanwhile, has been storming through airport hangars in swing states around the country, where throngs of his supporters pack together often without facemasks.

After Trump suggested he would fire top immunologist Dr Anthony Fauci, Biden said he had « a better idea ».

“Elect me and I’m gonna hire Dr Fauci and we’re gonna fire Donald Trump, » he said.

« Donald Trump waved the white flag of surrender to this virus. »

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