Americans are voting in one of the most divisive presidential polls in decades, pitting incumbent Republican Donald Trump against Democrat Joe Biden.
Read More | Lire La SuiteBiden speaks in Cleveland: ‘We’re going to fire Trump’
Appearing at his first campaign event of the day before later going to Pennsylvania, Biden has just spoken to a socially distanced rally at an airport hangar in Cleveland, Ohio.
Read More | Lire La SuiteCovid-19 : bientôt une application capable de vous tester ?
Un modèle d'intelligence artificielle développé par des chercheurs du MIT analyse la manière dont toussent les patients, explique l'université sur son site.
Read More | Lire La SuiteFin de campagne à un rythme effréné pour Donald Trump
Cinq meetings, dans autant d'Etats décisifs. A deux jours de l'élection présidentielle américaine, Donald Trump a encore emballé le rythme effréné de sa campagne pour rattraper Joe Biden, concentré lui dimanche sur un seul Etat, la Pennsylvanie.
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS election roundup: Trump and Biden swing through battleground states
The two US presidential candidates swung through northern battleground states on Friday amid signs that the coronavirus pandemic was once more threatening to overcome hospital capacity in several US regions.
Read More | Lire La SuiteAux Etats-Unis, c’est le sprint final pour Joe Biden et Donald Trump
A quelques jours du vote, plus que jamais, tout est question de grilles de lecture et de sources d'information aux Etats-Unis. C'est ainsi que le retour de la croissance au 3e trimestre annoncé jeudi, après le plongeon économique du printemps, a donné lieu à des interprétations très différentes selon les candidats.
Read More | Lire La SuiteNo Matter Who Wins the U.S. Election, Relations With China Are at a Crossroads
With U.S.-China relations at a decades-long nadir, it was fitting that Xi threw down the gauntlet on the anniversary of one of the only times the People’s Liberation Army and U.S. troops have faced off on the battlefield—a conflict still known in China as the “War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.”
Read More | Lire La SuiteUS. Biden Georgia bound, Trump targets Midwest
In Georgia, opinion polls show the race to be tight, and a win by Biden there would likely be a severe blow to Trump’s chances. Biden told reporters on Monday he believes he has a “fighting chance” to take Georgia.
Read More | Lire La SuiteLes indices d’une éventuelle vie sur Vénus s’effacent
Ainsi va la science. Un jour une équipe de chercheurs annonce un résultat étonnant. Leurs collègues se mettent en branle et le contestent, le défendent mais surtout tentent de le confirmer. Quelques semaines plus tard, de nouveaux travaux arrivent et… dégonflent l’enthousiasme initial.
Read More | Lire La SuiteBruce Springsteen: Letter to You review – a sledgehammer of succour.. Video
While Bruce Springsteen was performing Springsteen on Broadway, the stage iteration of his 2016 memoir, his former teenage bandmate, George Theiss, was dying of cancer. Well before the E Street Band, there were the Castiles, an incubator where Springsteen first played guitar, then sang, from 1965 to 1968.
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