Tag Archives: UK

La prochaine génération « ne nous pardonnera pas » si la COP de Glasgow ne réussit pas, avertit Boris Johnson

Dirigeants et militants du monde entier sont réunis depuis dimanche et jusqu'au 13 novembre à Glasgow, en Ecosse, pour la conférence sur le climat COP26, qui vise à tenter de contenir le réchauffement climatique sous la barre des 2 degrés d'ici 2100.

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Even the crisis in Afghanistan can’t break the spell of Britain’s delusional foreign policy

While Taliban atrocities are widely understood, those committed by western forces and their allies have been wilfully ignored. As the author and Afghanistan expert Anand Gopal told me, the Taliban all but evaporated in 2001. But Afghan politicians in the new government exploited a US desire to eliminate “bad guys” by falsely claiming their opponents were Taliban supporters.

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‘If we don’t give, people don’t eat’: Yemen focus of UK Ramadan giving

Yemen is grappling with the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, and is on the brink of famine. About 80% of Yemen’s population – more than 24 million people – are in need of humanitarian assistance, including more than 12 million children, according to Unicef. Nearly 2.3 million children under the age of five will suffer acute malnutrition in 2021.

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