Tag Archives: Morocco

Un puissant séisme fait près de 632 morts dans le centre du Maroc..Vidéos

Au moins 296 personnes ont trouvé la mort dans un puissant séisme qui a dévasté le Maroc dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, selon un bilan officiel provisoire. La secousse a semé la panique à Marrakech et dans plusieurs autres villes, provoquant d'énormes dégâts.

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Morocco’s Pivotal Elections See Dozens Of Parties Campaigning

Many Moroccans, especially the youth, have high hopes that new horizons will be opened in this election, politicians from dozens of parties were campaigning trying to reach millions of Moroccans for a final day Tuesday. The outcome of the voting is difficult to predict as Morocco has wisely banned all political polls, something the U.S. could learn form one of its strong allies.

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Algeria partly blames Israel in decision to cut ties with Morocco

Algeria's announcement this week that it was severing its diplomatic ties with Morocco came as no surprise — Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune had issued a statement Aug. 18 saying relations with Morocco were being reviewed. Still, the depth of accusations Algeria leveled against Israel Aug. 24 did surprise Jerusalem. For the moment, the Israeli government has issued no comment, preferring to keep a low profile.

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