Israeli parties due to unveil anti-Netanyahu coalition

The union came into being after far-right leader Naftali Bennett, a kingmaker whose Yamina party has six seats in parliament, joined hands with Lapid’s Yesh Atid party. With 17 seats, Yesh Atid is the second-largest party in the 120-member Knesset – the Israeli parliament.

Who is Naftali Bennett, Israel’s potential prime minister?

Naftali Bennett is close to replacing Israel’s veteran prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Bennett is a multi-millionaire former tech entrepreneur who made a name in politics with right-wing, religious-nationalist rhetoric.

Lapid enlists Defence Minister Gantz

Israel’s opposition leader moved closer to unseating Netanyahu after agreeing terms with several parties, including one led by Defence Minister Benny Gantz.

Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid party and Gantz’s centrist Blue and White said in a joint statement they had “agreed on the outlines of the government and core issues relating to the strengthening of democracy and Israeli society”.

Israeli parties in race to build anti-Netanyahu coalition

Israeli politicians battling to unseat Netanyahu are racing against the clock on the final day of talks to build a governing coalition comprised of bitter ideological rivals.

They have until a minute before midnight (20:59 GMT) on Wednesday to cobble together an administration that would end 12 years of rule by Israel’s longest-serving prime minister.

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